Université de Lausanne (University of Lausanne), Switzerland

Based in a beautiful campus on the shores of Lake Geneva, the Université de Lausanne is well-known for its excellent research and international atmosphere.

Université de Lausanne website

Who can go?

Students on postgraduate research courses in the School of Art History.

Interested students should contact the postgraduate secretary of Art History by emailing pgarthist@st-andrews.ac.uk.


How to apply

You should discuss this opportunity with your supervisor and request an application form from your School's study abroad coordinator. Interested students will require the approval of their supervisor and will be selected on the basis of subject availability with their own research programme.

If you are selected to participate in the exchange, St Andrews will nominate you to Lausanne. You will be required to complete Lausanne's application process. 

Current students can contact study abroad coordinators to find out more. 

Your studies

Before arriving at the University of Lausanne, you will discuss and get approval for your research plan from your supervisor and your School’s study abroad coordinator.

Each academic year at Lausanne is divided into two semesters:

  • Semester 1: middle of September to middle of  December
  • Semester 2: middle of February to middle of May.

Based within the Faculty of Arts, the History of Art department at Lausanne investigates art from late Antiquity to the contemporary period, working across media types and between disciplines. The department has a regular programme of visiting lecturers and guest speakers, and organises events for doctoral students in collaboration with the Universities of Western Switzerland (CUSO). The city of Lausanne also has a number of high-quality museums.

Much of the life of the department takes place in French, and an intermediate level (B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) is recommended by the University. French language lessons are also available from the university.

Passports and visas

You should ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of your trip, and for at least six months after you return to the UK. You should scan your passport and keep a copy for your records.

If you are a European Union national, you will not require a visa and may enter the European Union countries with your passport or national identity card. Please note that you may have to comply with legal obligations, such as registering your address with the local authorities.

If you are an international student who has a visa to study in the UK, and you have any questions about the implications of studying or working abroad whilst matriculated at St Andrews, you should consult Student Services by emailing advint@st-andrews.ac.uk. You can also check the passports and visas page for further information.


As an exchange student, you will not pay tuition fees to your host university, and will only be liable for your normal St Andrews tuition fees.

Research Council students should make sure that they have their funding body’s permission to study abroad, notifying them particularly for any mobility grants that they may be receiving.

Most students are eligible for Swiss European Mobility Placement (SEMP) grant – provided by the Swiss Government – which contributes towards the extra costs arising from studying or working abroad for credit. For 2021-2022, students going to Switzerland were eligible for 1900 Swiss Francs (CHF) for a single semester exchange, or two payments of CHF 1900 for an exchange lasting two semesters. SEMP grants are externally funded, and therefore the University of St Andrews cannot guarantee funding will be available in any given year.

The University of Lausanne provides information about insurance and finance. The average budget a student needs to live in Lausanne is around CHF 1900 per month. You will be responsible for meeting any additional costs accruing from accommodation, food, travel, etc. As an exchange student, you will need to allow around CHF 100 per month for health and accident insurance if your foreign insurance is not recognised in Switzerland. More generally, note that on arrival in Switzerland, you will have to pay various administrative costs, which can be fairly significant (visa and residence permit costs, local taxes, a rent guarantee for your accommodation, etc.). It is therefore important to allow for these in your budget.


For general information about housing in the Lausanne area, please see the Lausanne accommodation web page.

The University of St Andrews is unable to guarantee housing at any partner institution. 

Travel and transport

There are excellent train links to Lausanne from Geneva airport. The trip takes about 45 minutes. The university campus is well-connected to Lausanne by the m1 metro train and several bus routes.

Student support

The Social Affairs and Student Mobility office organises activities for exchange students during the academic year. Each exchange student is notified by email about the proposed activities. Examples of previous activities include:

  • Open days and information days
  • Visiting the Gianadda museum in Martigny
  • A Christmas party
  • Night sledging and cheese fondue at Diablerets
  • Invitation at the shows of the theatre La Grange de Dorigny.

ESN is a student association whose aim is to welcome the exchange students and help them to make the most of the facilities available during their stay in Lausanne. ESN is located at the Anthropole building, office 1128.1, second floor and is open Monday to Friday from 12pm to 1pm.

Please be aware that student support services will be different across all partner universities.


Global Office
University of St Andrews
Bute Building
Westburn Lane
St Andrews
KY16 9TS

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2245
Email: studyabroad@st-andrews.ac.uk