Universitetet i Bergen (University of Bergen), Norway

The University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally recognised research university. Founded in 1946, it has an excellent reputation for Geography and Sustainable Development.

Universitetet i Bergen website

Who can go?

Postgraduate research students (at PhD level) in the School of Geography and Sustainable Development.

There is currently a limit of one semester-long placement per academic year. 

The exchange is run by the School of Geography and Sustainable Development. Interested students should discuss the opportunity with their supervisor and contact the School's study abroad coordinator.

How to apply

You should discuss this opportunity with your supervisor and request further information from your School’s study abroad coordinator. Interested students will require the approval of their supervisor and will be selected on the basis of subject suitability with their own research programme.

If you are selected to participate in the exchange, St Andrews will nominate you to Bergen. You will be required to complete Bergen’s application for admission process.

Current students can contact study abroad coordinators to find out more. 

Your studies

Before arriving at Bergen, you will discuss and get approval for your research plan from your supervisor and your School’s study abroad coordinator.

Each academic year at Bergen is divided into two semesters:

  • Semester 1: early August to middle December
  • Semester 2: early January to middle June.

Students are issued with a university ID card and have full access to the University network, library facilities, computer rooms and study areas.

The Department of Geography at Bergen has five research groups. The Department hosts regular conferences, research seminars and workshops.

The Bergen Resource Centre for International Development and the independent CMI research institute also offer a programme of events related to global challenges and sustainable development.

Passports and visas

You should ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of your trip, and for at least six months after you return to the UK. You should scan your passport and keep a copy for your records.

If you are a European Union national, you will not require a visa and may enter the European Union countries with your passport or national identity card. Please note that you may have to comply with legal obligations, such as registering your address with the local authorities.

If you are an international student who has a visa to study in the UK, and you have any questions about the implications of studying or working abroad whilst matriculated at St Andrews, you should consult Student Services by emailing advint@st-andrews.ac.uk. You can also check the passports and visas page for further information.

About the University

The University of Bergen was founded in 1946. It is internationally recognised for its research, and is the most cited university in Norway. There are seven faculties at the university and a total of 16,900 students.


As an exchange student, you will not pay tuition fees to your host university, and will only be liable for your normal St Andrews tuition fees.

Research Council students should make sure that they have their funding body’s permission to study abroad, notifying them particularly for any mobility grants that they may be receiving.


New exchange students are guaranteed housing in a student home provided that you apply for a room within Bergen's given deadlines.

Short term students may also apply for accommodation at the student hostels, but you will not be prioritised. Further information can be found on Bergen's accommodation web page.

The University of St Andrews is unable to guarantee housing at any partner institutions.

Travel and transport

Bergen is situated on the western coast of Norway, and can be reached by plane, directly from many European destinations or via Oslo Gardermoen. It is also possible to take a flight to Oslo and then take the train further to Bergen. Bergen Airport Flesland (BGO) is well connected with other European cities and airline hubs. 

The easiest way from Bergen Airport to the city centre is to take the Light Rail going approximately every 10 minutes from the Terminal to the city centre. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes.

Student support

The University of Bergen offers a variety of counselling and advising services, both academic and non-academic.

As a student at the University of Bergen, you are automatically a member of the Student Welfare Organisation (Sammen). The Sammen offers a range of services, including healthcare, accommodation, cafeterias, careers advice and childcare. Erasmus+ exchange students are exempted from paying the semester fee to use these services.

Please be aware that student support services will be different across all partner universities.


Global Office
University of St Andrews
Bute Building
Westburn Lane
St Andrews
KY16 9TS

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2245
Email: studyabroad@st-andrews.ac.uk