Global Partnerships Travel Grant
2024/25 second call now open
Deadline for applications is 25 April 2025.
The Global Partnerships Travel Grant is a small fund aimed at encouraging the development of new and existing collaborations with leading universities, research institutes, networks, and associations around the globe. This grant supports the University’s world-leading ambition to enhance our network of international partnerships and alliances by providing small-scale travel grants to facilitate meaningful in-person interactions between St Andrews staff and their collaborators.
All St Andrews staff members with a contract of employment until at least the end of the funding period are eligible to apply. Applicants should submit one application only in this call.
Example activities eligible for funding can be found in the section below. Please note that this funding is not intended to support research, research fieldwork, or regular conference attendance, but it can be used to extend an existing international trip that supports specific partnerships development.
The Travel Grant is intended solely to support individual awards and does not cover joint applications or delegation visits.
Applicants should consult with their line manager about the proposed visit prior to submitting their application.
This funding is not suitable for PhD students.
The funding available is intended to support outward, short-term travel and accommodation expenses associated with an international visit. Applicants should refer to the University’s Expenses policy and Sustainable Research and Business Travel guidance when planning their activities.
- Applicants can apply for up to £1,000 for activities taking place in Europe.
- Applicants can apply for up to £2,000 for activities taking place outside of Europe.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide evidence of match funding available to support the proposed activity.
Partnership activities must be carried out between 1 August to 31 December 2025.
Applicants should apply using the application link by 17:00 (GMT) on 25 April 2025. All enquiries should be directed to the Global Office at
Applicants will be expected to comment in detail on:
- proposed visit activities and schedule
- contact or collaboration to date with the partner
- the main objectives for the visit
- expected benefits of the visit for the School/Unit and broader University
A list of possible partnership activities can be found below. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list; the Global Office is keen to receive innovative applications for partnership building activities.
- Visit an established or emerging partner to discuss the development of a collaborative programme, summer school, joint digital provision or other education-focused initiative.
- Visit an established or emerging partner to discuss the development or enhancement of a joint research collaboration that builds upon the strengths of each institution and has the potential to bring together multiple staff and/or students.
- Attendance and participation at conferences, workshops or symposiums organised by a strategic partner or member network/association only. This activity should support increased University engagement and visibility with the partner or network.
- Staff mobility aimed at capacity building in strategically important areas for St Andrews (e.g. Sustainability, Entrepreneurship, Digital, Diversity, etc.) and in which the partner institution has demonstrable experience and strength.
This funding is not intended to support research, research fieldwork or regular conference attendance, but it can be used to extend an existing international trip that supports specific partnership development.
All applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Global Office. Priority will be given to:
- Activities involving strategic university partners, institutions with which we have an existing academic partnership agreement, and networks and associations that the University holds a membership. Applications that include emerging or strategically relevant partners for the Academic School and/or University are also welcomed.
- Applications that use the funding to pursue multiple avenues of education and research collaboration or meet with multiple stakeholders during a visit.
- Applications that detail the value and potential benefits of this activity for the University and how it supports the ambitions laid out in the University Strategy 2022-2027.
The outcome of the selection process will be announced the week commencing 12 May 2025.
Please note that travel and accommodation arrangements for this activity will be the responsibility of the awardee; the Global Office cannot provide assistance with bookings. In line with University policy, awardees will be expected to register their travel using the University’s Travel Tool.
A brief report outlining the main outputs of the visit should be submitted to the Global Office no later than one month after the activity has taken place. A template form will be shared with successful applicants.
Trusted Research, the term used by the UK Government and other bodies to refer to national security issues in the planning and undertaking of research, has been an increasingly prominent agenda since 2019. The University is required to put in place, and enforce, relevant provisions to ensure that it attends to this agenda. The University has created guidance and a Trusted Research Tool to assist researchers and direct colleagues towards existing policy and process to ensure compliance where necessary. As part of this application, you confirm that you have (or will) review/ed relevant guidance and complete/d a Trusted Research Tool submission including any required outcomes. See the Trusted Research web pages for more information and access to the Tool.
Enquiries about this funding should be directed to the Global Office at