How to apply - postgraduate students

Postgraduate Taught students

If you are a postgraduate taught student and you would like to study abroad in semester two of your Masters degree programme, please contact the Global Office and your School’s Study Abroad Coordinator as soon as you start your programme.  You should register your interest in study abroad no later than 1 October.

If you are part of the Peacebuilding and Mediation (MLitt or MPhil), please discuss your study abroad and work placement options with Dr Nick Barnes ( 

Postgraduate Research students

If you are a postgraduate research student, please consult with your supervisor and School’s Study Abroad Coordinator to register your interest in study abroad.

For most programmes, application information on how to apply for a postgraduate study abroad opportunity is found on the institution page in the postgraduate study abroad options section

To apply for a study abroad programme as a postgraduate research student, you must satisfy the following initial criteria:

  • Be enrolled full-time on a full St Andrews PGR programme. PGR students on co-tutelles or whose principal supervisor is at another institution are not eligible, nor are students on one-year research programmes.
  • Have completed at least one full year of your programme and have satisfied progress requirements set out in the Progress Review Policy.
  • Not be within your continuation period either at point of application, or during the period of planned mobility.
  • Have the support of your supervisor/s and the School’s Director of Postgraduate Research.

If you are in receipt of funding, please ensure that you have researched any regulations from your research council or funder in relation to study/research abroad before applying. It is your responsibility to ensure any period abroad is compatible with these regulations and submission of this form serves as confirmation that you have done so.


The Global Office must be informed of your intention to undertake an overseas placement at least six months prior to your departure date.  This allows for arrangements to be made with the partner institution and for visa requirements to be fulfilled.

Postgraduate Research programmes with Berkeley

PGR students in Management, Modern Languages, Social Anthropology, Film Studies, Classics and History are invited to apply for study abroad placements at UC Berkeley. Two placements are available each year for periods between one and three months to spend time at the Institute of European Studies as a Visiting Student Researcher. Further details are available on the Postgraduate study abroad options page by subject.

To apply for the University of California, Berkeley postgraduate research exchange, please complete the Postgraduate Research Exchange Application Form (Word, 573 KB) Supervisor and DoPGR endorsement form - PGR exchange application (Word, 531 KB).  The application deadline for 22025 entry has now passed. 

Applications should be submitted to