The student core record
The core record is that information about a student that the University needs to keep permanently in order to carry out the following functions satisfactorily:
- Providing a transcript.
- Providing references.
- Retaining relevant material for research purposes.
The transcript
In order to produce a transcript the University has to have the following information:
- Student name.
- Student ID.
- Date of birth.
- The course for which the student was enrolled at the end of each year of study.
- The classes / modules taken in each year of study.
- The assessment and reassessment grades for each class / module.
- The number of credits gained in each module and in each year.
- The degree awarded and class (where applicable).
- Date of graduation.
- Any prizes awarded.
Research value
The Data Protection Act does make provision for storing data for research purposes. Information over and above that needed for the transcript will be held in the University Archive under the '100-year rule' - i.e. there will be no general access to the file until 100 years after its archiving. Those extra elements will be:
- Ethnicity
- Nationality
- Sex
- Start and completion dates
- First and final addresses
- Photographs
- Parents’ address and occupations
- Higher or A level results; schools attended
- Prizes / distinctions
- Fitness to practice
- Criminal record
- First destination employment
- Leisure activities, clubs and societies