Coping with exam anxiety

Updated on: 10 August 2023

Advice on how to deal with exam anxiety and where to get more help.

Exam anxiety is a common experience and can even help you work and focus. But if you have too much, it can affect your performance and mental health.  

If you think your anxiety will increase between now and your exams, email Student Services at for help. 

Plan your revision 

  • Give yourself plenty of time for revision. 
  • Sort through your notes, essays and reports and plan answer outlines. 
  • Contact your tutors or lecturers if there’s something you don’t understand.   

Look after yourself 

  • Eat well and regularly. 
  • Stay hydrated. 
  • Take regular breaks, exercise, and consider yoga, tai chi, or meditation.  

Prepare the night before 

  • Make sure you know exactly when and where the exam is. 
  • Have everything ready in advance. 

Stay calm and plan in the exam 

  • Take a moment to get settled, a few deep breaths may help.  
  • Read through all the instructions and questions and plan your answers.    
  • Manage your time. If you don’t have enough time for your final answer, write down the outline of an answer. 
  • Check spelling and punctuation. 
  • If you feel unwell or begin to panic, ask the invigilator if you can stop for a short time.  

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