Support available for students with eating disorders

Updated on: 13 June 2024

Learn what support is available from the University as well as external organisations to help with eating disorders.

An eating disorder changes your attitude towards food and your body. It influences your eating habits and behaviours.

People affected by an eating disorder often spend a lot of time thinking about their weight, body shape, and food intake. This may result in avoiding certain foods or food in general, exercising excessively, binging or purging.

You may experience disordered eating habits at university.

When eating disorders go untreated, they can lead to serious and life-threatening health complications.

It is important to speak to your doctor if you think you are experiencing an eating disorder. 

How the University can help 

The role of Student Services is to work alongside the NHS and local agencies to support students with eating disorders. This includes being an informed point of contact, being a touch point at the University and supporting students with any academic adjustments they may need. 

Student Services also offer a range of help including specialist support and resources for your wellbeing and mental health.  

Other places to find help 

Links to external sites and information

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Student support