
Have you tried…

6. Using mind maps to visualise and organise your thoughts?

Application: Mindjet Mindmanager

Platform: Free download for Windows and Mac from University Computer and IT Support

Follow the instructions on the software for students page to log in to Apps Anywhere.

Comments: free

Application: Mindjet mobile                                     

Platform: Windows and iOS


Application: Simplemind                                      

Platform: iOS

Comments: free

Have you tried…

7. Using note-taking strategies such as the Cornell method?

Application: Cornell freehand

Application: MS Onenote                                               

Platform: Windows and Mac

Microsoft OneNote - Cornell Note taking for students video

Application: The Open University - Note-taking techniques

Application: University of Reading - Reading and making notes

Have you tried…

8. Using free note-taking applications that allow you to record, capture image and add notes all on the same interface and sync between devices?

Application: Evernote

Platform: Both OS and Android and iOS mobile  

Comments: Can be used on different devices

Have you tried…

9. Using a device that audio records (with University permission) such as digital recorder, livescribe pen, mobile phone or tablet?

Application: Audionote

Platform: Both OS and Android and iOS mobile

Comments: Costs £8.99

Application: Penultimate                              

Platform: iPad

Comments: Digital handwriting app using stylus