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Applying to transfer to a St Andrews degree programme

Students and parents arriving at William & Mary

While most WaMStA students thrive on the joint programme, we occasionally receive requests from students who, for various reasons, would like to apply to stay at St Andrews for their full degree programme. The BA (International Honours) is a distinct collaborative programme, and once admitted to it, students may not simply switch their degree intention to an MA (Honours) at St Andrews. 

Students considering a transfer application are encouraged to seek advice from the Associate Dean Curriculum at, or from the Registry Officer of Student Support at Students may also wish to speak to the WaMStA student intern about progression on the programme and the experience of moving between institutions.

First year students

All students admitted to the joint programme through St Andrews are encouraged to continue into their second year on the joint programme and experience academic life at William & Mary before considering whether an application to transfer to St Andrews is the best decision for their academic career and individual circumstances.

Students who do not wish to do this may submit a new application to St Andrews through the usual admissions routes. Applications will be considered in the context of the relevant applicant pool, and there is no guarantee that such an application will be successful.

Where a new application is successful, there is no guarantee that credit obtained in the joint programme will transfer in full to a St Andrews degree programme. Students may require longer to complete St Andrews programme requirements.

It is important to note that tuition fees for years completed in the joint programme will not be refunded. Students in receipt of scholarships should also note that these may not be transferable.

Second and third year students

Students who wish to apply to transfer to a full St Andrews degree programme must apply for transfer admission by Friday of Week 5 in Semester 2 using the Application to transfer to a St Andrews degree programme (Word, 18 KB).

Students whose home institution is William & Mary must seek permission from William & Mary before applying for admission to a St Andrews degree programme.

Applications will be considered in March.

All applicants will be expected to demonstrate:

  • strong academic record in the joint programme
  • good reasons for seeking to transfer to a St Andrews degree programme
  • that they meet the Honours entry requirements for their intended degree programme.

Where a transfer application is successful, there is no guarantee that credit obtained in the joint programme will transfer in full to a St Andrews degree programme.  Students may require longer to complete St Andrews programme requirements. Offers will be conditional on Semester 2 exam results.

It is important to note that tuition fees for years completed in the joint programme will not be refunded. Students in receipt of scholarships should also note that these may not be transferable.