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Changes to your studies

Main library at William & Mary

Switching degrees

There is some flexibility in changing your degree subject in first, and potentially second, year to one of the other degrees the programme offers. To do this, you must ensure that you are advised into modules that fulfil the first year requirements of the other subject in which you may be interested. If you would like to switch your degree, contact the Associate Dean Curriculum (Arts and Divinity) to determine your eligibility. Please see the BA (International Honours) programme requirements document in the module catalogue for more information.

Leave of absence

A leave of absence is a temporary withdrawal from your studies, either for medical reasons, or for personal reasons.

If you are considering a leave of absence from the BA (International Honours) programme, you must obtain permission from the institution which you are attending at the time, who will consult with the other institution if appropriate.

It is important to note that, due to the nature of the programme, it will normally only be possible to take a leave of absence for a full academic year.

If you are attending St Andrews and wish to take a leave of absence, please contact the Registry Officer (Student Support) by emailing to discuss your options.

If you take a leave of absence during your studies, your home institution will be in touch with you about the process for re-engaging with your studies at the end of your leave.

Withdrawing from the programme

While both St Andrews and William & Mary hope that all students flourish and enjoy the joint programme, we recognise that there may sometimes be valid reasons why students seek to transfer to another institution or withdraw from their studies.

If you are considering transferring to another institution, or withdrawing altogether from your studies, you should discuss your case in the first instance with your home institution, who will be able to advise you about the process.

If you are a St Andrews home student, you may wish to discuss your situation with the Registry Officer ( and the Associate Dean Curriculum ( before making any decisions.

Occasionally, students express interest in applying to transfer onto a St Andrews degree programme. Find out more information about the application process for transferring to a St Andrews degree programme.