Gender equality action plan

Action Target date Person / body responsible
Publish an Equal Pay statement September 2007 Director of Human Resources
Carry out a full equal pay audit to ensure that the University practices equal pay for work of equal value September 2008
Director of Human Resources
Ensure that revised promotions procedure does not have an adverse effect on any gender group and also part-time and fixed term staff August 2007 Director of Human Resources
Increase awareness throughout University of updated Harassment and Bullying Policy October 2007
Director of Human Resources / Director of Student Services
Identify a Harassment Contact Network that represents the University community October 2007
Director of Human Resources / Director of Student Services
Provide Harassment and Bullying training to identified individuals October 2007
Director of Human Resources / Director of Student Services
Launch Flexible Working Policy and provide training to managers December 2007
Director of Human Resources
Continue to explore ways to promote work/life balance for all staff Ongoing
Director of Human Resources
Devise and implement specialist gender equality training for Heads of School/Unit February 2008 Principal’s Office / Director of Human Resources
Devise an effective and practical academic leadership/management development programme with a specific strand for female academics June 2008 Principal’s Office / Director of Human Resources

Identify gender imbalances in staff groups

Put in place measures to tackle any problem areas

December 2007


Director of Human Resources
Devise a policy and procedure for staff and students and potential staff and students who are or potentially will become transsexual April 2008
Director of Human Resources / Director of Student Services
Review the University’s Equal Opportunities to ensure correct emphasis on gender equality December 2007 Director of Human
Review the support provided to women during and on return to work/study from a period of maternity leave September 2008 Director of Human Resources / Director of Student Services
Ensure exit interviews/questionnaires contain a question about any gender issues September 2007
Director of Human Resources
Investigate the possibility of the University taking a more active role in the Athena SWAN programme designed for women in science and technology September 2007
Director of Human Resources
Review membership of University Court and court appointed committees to ensure no major gender imbalances June 2008 Secretary and Registrar
Devise a way to ensure the University committees take into account general equality, as well as gender issues as part of their business June 2008 Secretary and Registrar
Facilitate improvement in staff data gathering and monitoring to ensure that clear and useful gender information is available September 2008
Director of Human Resources
Facilitate improvement in student data gathering and monitoring to ensure that there is no gender bias at any stage of a student’s or potential student’s progress through the University September 2008
Academic Registrar
Look at ways to promote positive role models for students within the University January 2009
Director of Student Services
Monitor use of Student Services to ensure that there is no gender imbalance in those students seeking help/advice June 2008
Director of Student Services
Review support provision available for students who become parents during study at the University April 2008
Director of Student Services
Ensure that University’s widening participation programme has taken into account any specific gender issues September 2008
Director of Admissions
Explore whether there are any gender barriers for potential students wishing to come to the University from FE or non-traditional routes September 2008
Director of Admissions
Look at ways to promote gender equality in gender imbalanced degree programmes Ongoing Director of Admissions / Heads of School
Look at ways to provide equality awareness to new students June 2009
Director of Student Services / Students’ Association
Continue to progress the promotion of science and technology to school age children and the general public to help tackle gender stereotyping Ongoing Vice Principal (Research) / Director of Admissions