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Frequently asked questions: the General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR)

These frequently asked questions FAQs have been produced in response to the information we believe it is helpful for staff and students to know, and in response to questions already asked. These FAQs will be added to as and when more information becomes available, or when more questions are asked.

1. What is the GDPR?

2. What organisations will need to comply with the GDPR?

3. What is the Data Protection Act 2018?

4. What is personal data?

5. What rights does the GDPR provide individuals?

6. What is the right to be forgotten?

7. When will the right to be forgotten be available?

8. When will the right to be forgotten not apply?

9. How does it affect the University?

10. How does it affect Research?

11. How do I manage the personal data of potential research participants – contact lists?

12. How does it affect procurement?

13. Will I receive any training?

14. What is a Privacy Impact Assessment?

15. Who can I turn to for more information?

16. Where are the new privacy notices?

17. What is a personal data breach?

18. What do I do if I suspect that personal data has been lost?

19. Email and GDPR

20. What practical steps can I take on a day to day basis

21. I keep getting emails from companies, charities and other organisations asking me to update my consent; otherwise they cannot keep in touch with me. Do I need to do the same with the people I want to keep in touch with about?

22. What are special categories of personal data?

23. When can I make use of Blind Carbon Copy “bcc” to distribute the same email to several recipients?

24. How long do I keep records for?