Postgraduate research courses in Social Anthropology


The Department offers a PhD degree in Social Anthropology which is based on a minimum of three years’ full-time study and independent research.

At St Andrews there is an intellectually vibrant and devoted community at postgraduate level, and PhD students form an essential part of this. The programme has a strongly international character, with students from a range of cultural and academic backgrounds. Having been ranked first in both the 2014 National Student Survey of Teaching and the 2014 Guardian ranking of UK universities, the Department has strong theoretical interests and regional expertise across the world along with five internationally recognised research centres.

St Andrews is ranked in the top 3 best places to study anthropology in the UK, and considered the best for anthropology in Scotland, according to the Guardian University Guide 2023. Our Department was also named top in the UK for student experience in the National Student Survey 2022.

For a list of departmental research interests, see the staff profiles.

Master of Studies by Research

For those with sufficient undergraduate experience in Social Anthropology (usually equivalent to a first class BA Hons degree in Social Anthropology), it is possible to apply to enter the Master of Studies (MSt) by Research.

This research degree has no credited taught modules but instead runs solely through individual supervision with a listed member of staff. The Master of Studies is assessed through a 30,000-word dissertation on a topic of the student’s choice, which is assessed by a team composed of an internal and external examiner.

Those interested in this research degree choice should contact the Department before applying in order to discuss the proposal topic and possible supervisor.

This degree runs for one year full time.


Department of Social Anthropology

Phone: +44 (0)1334 46 2206


The offer of a University place to undertake study or research does not carry with it the guarantee of financial support. You will be required to support yourself or to apply to a grant-awarding body.

Departmental scholarships

The Department of Social Anthropology grants a number of scholarships for doctoral students each academic year. These will cover fees or subsistence or make a contribution towards both. Students wanting to be considered for these scholarships must have submitted a complete application for a place in the Department’s doctoral program by April 30th. They should also write via email to Dr Mattia Fumanti, Director of Postgraduate Research, stating their desire to be considered for this funding by the same date. Please note that this is a firm deadline and that scholarship applications after this date will not be considered.

Global PhD in Social Anthropology

The University of St Andrews offers Global PhD scholarships funded by St Leonard's Postgraduate College to exceptional students who wish to undertake research at both St Andrews and a nominated partner institution and with two (or more) academic supervisors. To discuss a potential co-tutelle degree, please contact the Global Office.

Carnegie PhD

The prestigious Carnegie PhD Scholarship scheme supports a limited number of graduates, with first class Honours undergraduate degrees from a Scottish university, who wish to pursue postgraduate research leading to a PhD at a university in Scotland. There is no restriction on the subject or field.

Candidates should be of outstanding quality. Overseas applicants are also eligible, and if successful the difference between home and overseas fees will be met by the University. Full details about the scholarship are available on the Carnegie PhD Scholarships webpage.

St Andrews scholarships

The University offers some scholarships to research students. Please check the webpage for additional details.

External funding opportunities

  • The Postgraduate Studentships website has a comprehensive searchable database of funding opportunities.
  • The Scholarship Times website provides a comprehensive searchable database of international funding opportunities.
  • The British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) offers both research student awards and Masters scholarships, chiefly for students from the UK and the EU. Students should apply both to BRISMES and to the University of St Andrews, clearly marking their desire to be recommended for this scholarship.

For more information please email Dr Mattia Fumanti, Director of Postgraduate Research.

“My PhD supervisors are incredibly supportive and the help provided by other lecturers has provoked a richer engagement with my material – whether discussing my research, lending books or suggesting new ideas to consider. The department is really responsive and supports us in voicing conference ideas, recommending speakers or adjusting postgraduate seminars to meet the needs we identify. It is an academically engaging environment and a place where I have encountered great mentors.”

Molly Rosenbaum
Molly Rosenbaum
- PhD student