Dr Melissa Demian
Senior Lecturer
Research areas
I am primarily a legal anthropologist with longstanding interests in the legal and colonial history of Papua New Guinea, and how these have generated the complexities of its contemporary disputing systems including the hierarchy of its courts, land disputes, and informal or quasi-legal dispute management forums. Feeding into these interests are my broader work on gender, spatiality, temporality, property, kinship, and urbanisation in the postcolony.
Over the last 20+ years I have conducted research in both rural and urban settings in Papua New Guinea (PNG), working initially with its village courts and land mediation systems, and later with the district and national courts in order to explore the application - or avoidance - of customary law as it is represented in the country's Constitution. My work on customary law stems from an originary interest in how people's historical consciousness informs their legal consciousness, and their claim-staking to particular versions of cultural patrimony or authenticity in legal settings.
I have more recently conducted work, both as a consultant to international development agencies and in my own independent research, on how urban women in PNG seek redress for domestic violence. This has led to ongoing parallel research interests in how urban spaces in PNG (and elsewhere) are gendered, and in how community organisations that are too small or informal to be visible to the NGO/aid world seek to provide women and urban settlers more broadly with structures for cooperation and mutual aid.
I welcome applications from potential PhD students on topics including any of the above, as well as wider topics to do with Pacific ethnography and/or socio-legal studies.
PhD supervision
- James Martin
- Louisa Wladarsch
- Louise Decottigny
Selected publications
Addressing gendered violence in Papua New Guinea: opportunities and options
Ashtari Abay, N., Kuehnast, K., Peake, G. & Demian, M. A., 7 Mar 2024, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace. 28 p. (Special report; no. 528)Research output: Book/Report › Commissioned report
Anthropology and responsibility
Demian, M. A. (Editor), Fumanti, M. (Editor) & Lynteris, C. (Editor), 31 Mar 2023, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. 209 p. (ASA monographs; vol. 57)Research output: Book/Report › Book
Open access
Collapsing the scales of law
Demian, M. A., 14 Dec 2023, Grassroots law in Papua New Guinea. Demian, M. (ed.). Canberra, ACT: ANU Press, p. 155-178 24 p. (Monographs in anthropology).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Open access
Grassroots law in Papua New Guinea
Demian, M. A. (Editor), 14 Dec 2023, Canberra, ACT: ANU Press. 195 p. (Monographs in anthropology)Research output: Book/Report › Book
Introduction: anthropology and responsibility
Demian, M., Fumanti, M. & Lynteris, C., 31 Mar 2023, Anthropology and responsibility. Demian, M., Fumanti, M. & Lynteris, C. (eds.). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 12 p. (ASA monographs).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
Open access
Introduction: the magic of the court
Demian, M. A., 14 Dec 2023, Grassroots law in Papua New Guinea. Demian, M. (ed.). Canberra, ACT: ANU Press, p. 1-19 19 p. (Monographs in anthropology).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (peer-reviewed) › peer-review
Lae: city at the center of Papua New Guinea
Demian, M. & Tinning, Z., 27 Mar 2023, Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, p. 10-20, 10 p. (Examining conflict dynamics in Papua New Guinea; no. 23-003).Research output: Working paper › Discussion paper
In memory of times to come: ironies of history in Southeastern Papua New Guinea
Demian, M. A., 1 Jun 2021, Oxford: Berghahn. 228 p. (ASAO studies in Pacific anthropology; vol. 12)Research output: Book/Report › Book
Open access
The problem of the semi-alienable anthropologist
Demian, M. A., 1 Jan 2021, Unequal lives: gender, race and class in the western Pacific. Bainton, N., McDougall, D., Cox, J. & Alexeyeff, K. (eds.). Acton, ACT: ANU Press, p. 109-129 21 p. (Pacific series).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter
Open access
Anthropology after #MeToo
Demian, M. A., 26 Sept 2018, 1 p. Online : Cultural Anthropology.Research output: Other contribution