Planning for research data

Planning for research data and other digital outputs from research involves the planning of resources such as data storage and of routes for publishing and preserving data, as well as staff to assist with the data management if necessary. Importantly, putting these resources in place might incur costs that can often be accounted for in funding applications.

A structured plan to assess these issues, a data management plan or DMP, is an important tool that helps get it right from the start and makes continuous management of digital outputs as efficient as possible. To facilitate this planning phase, most funders now require the submission of a data management plan or similar document as part of funding applications.

Did you know?

The Research Data Management team can help you write your DMP and can review it prior to submission.


You should get in touch early and allow no less than two weeks for data management plan consultations, in particular for H2020 and HorizonEurope applications. For short-notice requests, the Research Data Management team will make every effort to provide you with the information you need to write your plan; however, they won't be able to guarantee a full review of your DMP.