The RDM team run regular workshops covering a variety of topics such as general research data management practices, data licensing, data sharing, data publishing and the use of Pure for depositing datasets.
All courses can be booked through PDMS. Additional training or visits to academic Schools can be organised upon request.
If you have specific questions or comments related to any of these topics or the training courses, contact the RDM team.
Training for academic and research staff
- Managing Research Information: an introduction to impact, open access, Pure, data management
This workshop will provide you with a brief introduction of your responsibilities for good practice as a researcher. Research data management is one of the four topics covered in this introductory training session.
- Managing Research Information: publishing research data
This workshop will deliver a demonstration of how to publish research data using Pure, including how to obtain a DOI. It will also provide information on licences, processes and workflows.
Training for postgraduate students
- Research data
How to store and effectively manage them’: you will gain an understanding of how to manage research data/digital outputs effectively and efficiently during a research project. The course will cover topics such as day-to-day data/outputs management, storage, backup and security, metadata and documentation.
- Research data
Why, when and how to publish them': Find out how to publish your research data to increase your visibility, choose an appropriate licence and understand funders' requirements on data sharing.
- Research data underpinning theses
When and how to deposit them'': Find out how to submit research data/digital outputs that underpin your thesis, including how request an embargo and how to deposit them in Pure, the institutional repository.