Rights Retention Strategy
Last updated: 12/02/2023
The University of St Andrews, along with many other HEI institutions and research funders, has adopted a ‘rights retention’ approach to support open access. This ensures researchers retain sufficient reuse rights to meet open access requirements. All researchers can now follow this approach, as it is independent of specific funding and is tied to core University policy. This is a balanced and transparent approach to retaining reuse rights.
Rights Retention is a primary support mechanism for the University of St Andrews Open Access policy
Main benefits:
- Maintains author choice, and ensures sharing and reuse of manuscripts regardless of venue
- maximises benefits for researchers by ensuring liberal sharing and reuse rights for authors and end users
- increases the utility of accepted manuscripts for teaching and research
- simplifies options and avoids complex 'policy stack'
What should researchers do?
1. On submission: Add a rights retention statement to the 'acknowledgement' section of the manuscript and the cover letter (if applicable):
In order to meet institutional and research funder open access requirements, any accepted manuscript arising shall be open access under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) reuse licence with zero embargo.
WHY? The Rights Retention (RR) statement ensures full transparency for co-authors and the publisher.
Note. For many research funders the RR statement is a requirement for Rights Retention, but for the University of St Andrews Open Access policy it is a strong recommendation only, as rights are retaining by default as part of core University IP policy.
2. On acceptance: Deposit the accepted manuscript in Pure. The Open Access team will ensure a Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY) is applied and the manuscript will be released on publication with zero embargo.
WHY? Deposit in Pure is the primary method for achieving open access and a requirement for the University of St Andrews Open Access policy.
What does this apply to?
- All articles. Rights retention is broadly designed to support open access to journal and conference articles.
- Book and chapters. Where there is a funder mandate for book, chapters, and edited volumes.
- Any manuscripts. It is recommended to add the rights retention statement to all manuscript submissions, even if the article will eventually be open access via the publisher.
- All researchers. This approach supports the University's preference for immediate 'Green' open access via Pure, therefore ensuring the benefits of open access are shared equitably.