Once your application has been authorised, use the online booking service to book a review by a REC. Have your application to hand as you will need to provide details. You will also be advised whether your application will undergo full or proportionate review.
R&D approval only
If you only require R&D approval and not REC review be careful when selecting options at the e-submission and booking stages - if you book your application for REC review and this is not required you may need to withdraw your application and submit an entirely new application.
Selecting a REC
You can pick the first available Research Ethics Committee available via the Online Booking Service. It can be several weeks before the next available slot.
You may choose to pick another REC, if available, although this may mean a longer wait for review. Reasons why you might choose to do this:
- a local REC will be more familiar with local infrastructure, the University, researchers or collaborators.
- a local REC may be more familiar with information governance protocols around sources such as the Health Informatics Centre or eDRIS.
- a Scottish REC will be more familiar with NHS structures in Scotland, which can differ from those in the rest of the UK.
- some RECs specialise in specific types of research.
This knowledge can sometimes reduce the number of questions or requests for additional information or reassurances arising from the review.
If you want to choose a specific REC but are not sure which is the most appropriate you can contact the Scientific Officer at the East of Scotland Research Ethics Service for advice by emailing tay.ethicshelpine@nhs.scot.