Research involving humans
A new online ethics system for research involving humans is coming soon
The University is currently engaged in a project to introduce a new online ethics system for ethics applications and review of research involving human participants, data and samples.
School ethics committees can now choose to 'opt in' to using the new system - if you are unsure if your School has opted in yet, please contact your School ethics committee.
Access to the old ethics system for new applications will cease on Friday 7 March 2025.
Visit the ethics management project webpage for more information, including links and resources for those piloting the system.
If your research involves human participants, their data or samples, then ethical review and approval is mandatory and must be obtained before starting your research.
The University Teaching and Research Ethics Committee (UTREC) is the overarching committee which delegates to each School Ethics Committee the responsibility for the ethical review and approval of the University's research activities involving human participants or human tissues and samples.
Ethical review is a peer-review process to help researchers fulfil their personal responsibility to act in accordance with the University’s Principles of Good Research Conduct (Policy) (PDF) and fully account for ethical issues related to research involving humans and, in doing so, minimise risk to the project, the researcher, the participants and the University.
Failure to obtain and adhere to ethical approvals is defined as research misconduct.
Definition of 'research'
In all documentation, guidance and web pages relating to research involving humans, the term 'research' refers to a process of investigation leading to new insights.
For more information on this definition and the exemption of service evaluations and audits, please refer to the information on what projects require ethical review and approval.
For research involving the NHS
If you are planning research involving the NHS, visit the guidance on research involving the NHS, MOD or health and social care.