REF 2029 Timeline
The REF external timetable provides UK wide milestones in REF2029.
Output eligibility
The eligibility period for outputs has yet to be confirmed, it is likely that outputs published between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2028* will be eligible for inclusion in REF 2029.
* Exact dates to be confirmed when final REF 2029 guidance is published.
May/June 2023
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss REF 2028 Impact Case Study (ICS) submissions for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
June 2023
Initial decisions published and issues for further consultation advised
The four UK higher education funding bodies (Research England, SFC, HEFCW and DfE NI) published key decisions on the high-level design of the next research assessment exercise and outlined issues for further consultation.
A survey was issued by Research England on behalf of the four UK funding bodies. requesting input on specific policy aspects.
An internal consultation process was carried out to develop a formal University response to the consultation.
September 2023
Deadline for input to the institutional response to the Future Research Assessment Programme (FRAP) consultation on the initial decisions - 12 September 2023
UK REF team launch of commissioned work and invitation to comment on the assessment of People, Culture and Environment.
October 2023
Deadline for input to the REF 2028 consultation survey - 6 October 2023
October/November 2023
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the People, Culture and Environment submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
UK REF Team launch of Open Access consultation
December 2023
UK REF team's deadline to comment on the assessment of People, Culture and Environment - 1 December 2023
UK REF Team published further decisions on REF 2028 - 7 December 2023
The results of the consultation were published with the key decision that there is an extension to the timing for the next REF exercise. The next REF will be REF 2029 (as opposed to the original planned date of 2028) with results published in December 2029.
The consultation results do not include REF's work on people, culture and environment. Further information on this area is expected in January 2024.
Further details on the updated position of the REF team can be found on the REF 2029 website
Feb/June 2024
Research Output External Calibration Exercise
The aim of this exercise is to support Schools in honing their ability to allocate star ratings to their outputs, to distinguish the boundaries between ratings, by using external reviewers you are requested to nominate as comparators.
Additionally, given the increasing focus on research culture in REF2029, and more broadly, this exercise will provide a valuable opportunity to:
- explore and refine School/Department’s internal processes of scoring and assessment,
- examine potential unconscious bias when making research quality judgements,
- give colleagues experience and feedback on reviewing for REF purposes,
- address misuse of indicators and metrics and encourage best practice in peer review ahead of the REF exercise.
March 2024
REF team publishes People, Culture and Environment (PCE) update and announces workshops for PCE indicators project.
May 2024
UK REF team launch recruitment call for members of the REF 2029 advisory panels.
- People and Diversity Advisory Panel (PDAP)
- Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP)
October/November 2024
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the progress of the submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
May/June 2025
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the progress of the submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
October/November 2025
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the progress of the submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
May/June 2026
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the progress of the submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
October/November 2026
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the progress of the submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
May/June 2027
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the progress of the submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
October/November 2027
UOA Executive Panel meetings
Review meetings to discuss the progress of the submission for each UOA, attended by UOA leads and representatives from the Research Excellence Board (REB).
End 2028
Deadline for submissions
End 2029
Publication of results