Prof David Donaldson

Prof David Donaldson

Professor of Psychology

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 2084


Research areas

David is a Cognitive Neuroscientist, primarily interested in understanding human episodic memory - asking questions such as 'why does memory decline with age?', 'why is it so easy to recognise familiar faces, but so difficult to recognise unfamiliar faces?' and 'when I leave work, why can’t I recall where I parked my car that day?'

David moved to the University of St Andrews on 1st January 2020, becoming a Professor in the School of Psychology and Neuroscience. David uses mobile EEG to examine human behaviour during real-world activity. As well as taking the study of memory outside of the lab, he is also interested in extending the range of topics that EEG is used for, including spatial navigation and attention, and applied issues such as understanding sporting behaviour.

David is looking for exciting new collaborations - he remains curious and interested in how brain imaging can help inform psychological models of the mind, and he is keen to learn new techniques, paradigms and approaches.

PhD supervision

  • Amelia Newton
  • Nancy Zheng
  • Annah Mccurry

Selected publications


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