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497 results found for !nullquery
  1. Digital Pattern Library | Digital pattern library v1.27.3

    Toggle search. Hide search. Submit. Digital pattern library. Navigation. Digital pattern library. The digital pattern library (DPL) is a resource to support University staff who are designing or developing new web pages and other digital outputs.…

  2. House style - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    House style. This house style should be used for all University communications (both web and print). If you have any comments or suggestions for additional information to be included, please contact the Digital Communications team…

  3. Request permission for a high-profile visit to the University

    Password protected

    Understand what to do before inviting a high-profile visitor and what steps to take when receiving approval.…

  4. Brand - University of St Andrews

    University of St Andrews brand. The University is committed to ensuring that its visual and design identity is presented in a clear and consistent manner across all print and digital publications. Browse by category. Academic poster templates are…

  5. Expenses policy

    To provide guidance and instructions on the expense procedure.…

  6. Filename standards - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Filename standards. This page offers guidelines for naming files (e.g. PDFs, Word documents, Excel documents, etc.) that will be made available for download by end-users. Filenames for code can be found in the appropriate code standards. Naming…

  7. Witness guidance

    Guidance for individuals who are asked to be a witness in a disciplinary process. This guidance also confirms the process for calling a witness to a hearing.…

  8. Probation Policy

    EDI review performed by Stuart Hall 11/01/2023. Confirms the purpose and procedure for the probation period.…

  9. Accessibility - Digital standards - University of St Andrews

    Accessibility. The University of St Andrews is committed to making the University website accessible to all. To do this, web pages and apps must meet the international Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA accessibility standard.…

  10. Probation flowchart

    Probation process in the form of a diagram. EDI confirmed EIA not required.…