St Leonard’s College

The home of all postgraduate students at the University of St Andrews

St Leonard’s Postgraduate College

St Leonard’s College functions as the heart of the University’s thriving postgraduate community. All postgraduate students are automatically members, with access to events and facilities that foster connections, intellectual and academic discourse, and social interaction. 

St Leonard’s College aims to:

  • promote the interest of postgraduates across the University and champion the development of postgraduate education and research
  • foster a vibrant and intellectually stimulating postgraduate community and provide opportunities for postgraduates to come together and make new connections
  • work with partners across the University to support the effectiveness and coherency of services and support for postgraduates
  • optimise the St Leonard’s Postgraduate College building (Old Burgh School) as a hub for postgraduate students and activities
  • support postgraduates students through scholarships and other related funding
  • foster interdisciplinary postgraduate education and scholarship through the Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies

St Leonard’s College was originally founded in 1512 as a college for the education of novices of the Augustinian Order. It was reconstituted in 1974 as a home for the University’s postgraduate community. The head of St Leonard’s Postgraduate College retains the historic title of Provost. The current Provost of St Leonard’s Postgraduate College is Professor Frank Lorenz Müller.

St Leonard’s Postgraduate College organises regular events (such as the weekly Postgraduate Café with free hot drinks and biscuits) for all postgraduates to come together, socially and intellectually, and make new connections. If you have any ideas for a social event that could be supported by the College, please contact us at

St Leonard’s College is based in Old Burgh School, which is open to all postgraduate students at St Andrews.

Postgraduate news

St Leonard's College logo

Contact us

St Leonard's College
The Old Burgh School
Abbey Walk
St Andrews
KY16 9LB

Phone:+44 (0)1334 46 2003

Upcoming events

Pecha Kucha Evening and Enterprising Mind of the Year Final
Tuesday 25 March 2025, 6.00pm to 9.00pm
Parliament Hall – booking required

PG Café (in person)
Friday 28 March 2025,11.00am -12.30pm
Fairlie Social Area, Old Burgh School

Wednesday 26 March 2025, 5.30pm -6.30pm
Booking required – details to follow in email

PG Café (in person)
Wednesday 2 April 2025, 2.00pm to 3.30pm
Fairlie Social Area, Old Burgh School

Shut up and Write (in-person)
Wednesday 2 April 2025, 3.00pm -5.00pm
Rm 222, Physics Building, North Haugh

Wednesday 9 April 2025, 5.30pm top 6.30pm
Signup details to follow in email

Old Burgh School

Opening hours
8am to 9pm, seven days a week
Access via student ID card swipe in
(all PG students)

St Leonard’s College Newsletter