Software Carpentry

Key details: Software Carpentry teaches software skills to researchers enabling them to get more done in less time and with less pain. Every workshop includes learners with varying levels of experience. No previous experience required.

Booking not required


  • Academic staff
  • PG research
  • Professional staff
  • Research staff
  • Research supervisors

Programme information

Software Carpentry  workshops are for people who are learning to code to develop software or learn best-practices in software development. Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills in writing code, program design, data management and task automation.

You don't need to have any previous knowledge of the tools that will be presented at either workshop.

Every workshop includes learners with varying levels of experience of the different subjects being taught. Learners who are more familiar with the content of a particular lesson are encouraged to help their less-experienced colleagues. No previous experience of any of the technologies being taught is required.

For more information about Software Carpentry, please visit the website:


Need extra support?  

Contact the central Research Computing service:  


The Research Software Group in the School of Computer Science: 

Join the Research Software Team (MS Teams) or the Research computing network mailing list 


4 courses - these are all optional.

  • Software Carpentry 2 day workshop
  • Software Carpentry 2 day workshop: Shell/Git/Python
  • Software Carpentry 2 day workshop: Shell/Git/R
  • Software Carpentry 2.5 day workshop

Programme organiser
