Mediation and Conflict Resolution Skills for Managers

Audience: Academic staff, Professional staff, Research supervisors

Date: Thursday 15 May 2025

Times: 10.00 to 12.00

Target audience


Course information

This course is for any manager who wants to understand and build their confidence in how they can use their skills to resolve conflict at an early stage.  The course will cover common causes of conflict and show how the use of mediation skills can prevent these conflicts from escalating.  There will be a mixture of input, discussion, and participation in case studies.

Aims and objectives

  • To reflect on conflict, causes and responses to conflict?
  • To examine approaches for resolving conflict?
  • To consider the differences between arbitration and mediation?
  • To offer information on the Mediation Service
  • To understand own conflict resolution preferences through use of the Kraybill Conflict Inventory


Rebecca Swarbrick

Ruth Unsworth


Walter Bower House Conference Room 9

Course provider
