Introduction to Microsoft Loop components

Audience: Academic staff, Professional staff, Research staff

Date: Thursday 22 August 2024

Times: 11.00 to 11.30

Key details: Find out more about Loop components in Microsoft Teams, Outlook and Word online to help improve productivity and collaboration.

Target audience

If you are a Professional Services or Academic staff member, this course can help you manage your notes and actions from various meetings, such as school, working group, or committee meetings.

Course information

Loop components are a great tool for capturing quick thoughts, preparing for meetings, noting ideas and action points in a collaborative way.  

Send a component - like a table, task list, or paragraph — where everyone in your chat can edit online and see changes as they are made. 

Aims and objectives

To be able to create useful and collaborative components that you can use with your colleagues, such as task lists, agendas and tables for tracking.


Fiona Philip

Course provider

IT Services