Orientation information for PGT online students

All online students who are joining the University of St Andrews need to complete a number of essential tasks. 


Matriculation is the process of registering as a student with the University and is compulsory for all students. Online matriculation is currently available in the student portal, MySaint. You will receive an email from our Registry team inviting you to matriculate, or register, with the University, and you must complete the process before you start your studies. 

If your matriculation is not fully complete by the end of the first week of your programme, you will begin to receive warnings under the University’s failure to matriculate policy.

For more tasks that you may need to complete before you start your studies, read the information for new students on an online learning programme


Advising is when you meet your adviser of studies or programme coordinator to discuss your module choices and have them approved. In your case, the advising meeting will take place online. Your School will be able to advise you about specific arrangements for your course.

Core student training

All students are required to complete some mandatory online modules as part of the matriculation process. The modules reflect topics that are important to the University community and relate to the core values of our University Strategy

If you have any difficulties accessing or completing the modules, email the IT Services team for support (itservicedesk@st-andrews.ac.uk). If you have concerns with any of the concepts associated with the consent and bystander intervention module, email the Orientation team (orient@st-andrews.ac.uk). 

Semester dates

St Andrews has two semesters each year: Martinmas semester from September to December and Candlemas semester from January to May. All University key dates are available on the academic calendar.

Services and support for PG students

As an online PGT student, you have access to the services and support offered to all students in St Andrews, regardless of your location. Visit the current postgraduates web page to find out more about our module management systems and how to access Office 365 for students.

IT Services

There is a range of IT support available for all St Andrews students. Visit the IT Services for new students web page for information on how to activate your University email account and access software applications.

University libraries

Once you have matriculated, you will be able to use our online library resources, which provide access to journals, eBooks, and electronic databases 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you need support, you can chat to library staff online between 9am and 5pm (UK time).

Training and careers

All postgraduate students have access to free, comprehensive training programmes to support their academic, professional, and personal development. For more information on courses and support provided online, visit the PG community skills and training web page

Alongside these programmes, the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute (IELLI) provides workshops, resources, and one-to-one sessions for postgraduates wanting to develop their general academic skills. Students can also use ask a tutor for quick answers to study skills questions.

The University also has a Careers Centre to help graduating students navigate their next steps and advise on career changes for those already in work. The team offers support and expert advice through a range of digital tools and resources, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Whether you are in St Andrews or online, you can take advantage of the University’s support for wellbeing provided by Student Services. There are a number of digital support programmes and wellbeing workshops are available online. The University’s SilverCloud CBT app (external) offers a range of self-guided Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) courses.

Students can also connect with the University Chaplaincy services. The Chaplaincy team stream all St Salvator’s Chapel services and offer pastoral care via MS Teams or by phone, regardless of your faith or philosophy of life.

Declaring a disability

The University provides support for students who declare a qualifying disability both at entry to their course and during their studies. Find out more about the support available and how to declare a disability on the ‘declaring a disability’ web page

Report and Support

Report and Support is an online tool that allows students, staff and members of the community to report issues of bullying, discrimination, abuse, assault, or harassment of any sort. Issues or incidents can be reported anonymously or with contact details so an adviser can provide support.

Advice and Support Centre (ASC)

The Advice and Support Centre, usually referred to as 'the ASC', should be your first point of contact if you have questions or require support on anything related to your studies or being a student. The ASC team can be contacted by phone or email: +44 (0)1334 462020, theasc@st-andrews.ac.uk. The team will either be able to answer your question or, if necessary, arrange an online appointment for you with the relevant person from the wider Student Services team. 

St Andrews PG community – St Leonard’s College

St Leonard’s College is the community specially for all St Andrews postgraduate students, whether they are in St Andrews or online. All postgraduate students are automatically members of St Leonard’s College and can take part in its activities and use its facilities.

The St Leonard’s team want to ensure that all students have the same opportunities and receive equal service regardless of their location. Find out more about St Leonard’s College postgraduate community on the St Leonard’s College website or email stlc@st-andrews.ac.uk