Scholarships and awards

There are three ways in which University of St Andrews matriculated students can obtain help with vocal and instrumental tuition costs through the Music Centre: Montfort Bursaries, scholarships and the Hebdomadar's Music Fund.

The Montfort Bursaries (and some scholarships for choral singers and organists) can be awarded prior to the start of the academic year. In most cases, Montfort Bursaries will be awarded to students when they have received an offer to study.

All other scholarships are awarded at the beginning of the academic year following competitive auditions at the start of the semester. They are open to any current student at the University. The Hebdomadar’s Music Fund does not have an audition process and is based on individual circumstances.

Scholarships are awarded afresh each academic year (with the exception of Montfort Bursaries and St Salvator’s Chapel Choir scholarships). If you have already auditioned unsuccessfully in a previous year, you are welcome to audition again this year. Last year’s scholars are required to audition again, and are not automatically awarded another scholarship.

All scholarship holders are required to join the Music Centre and observe the Terms and conditions for Music Centre scholarships and bursaries (PDF).

Please direct any questions about music bursaries, scholarships and awards to