Research projects

The Music Centre supports projects which either contribute to ongoing music or interdisciplinary research, or which help enhance research outputs in a range of disciplines.

The list below shows ongoing and recent research collaborations.

Day of the Periodic Table

The Call for Scores annual competition links strands of University research with music. Composers are challenged to create musical works which illustrate or explain new research. For the 2019 Call for Scores Competition, composers were invited to create works to explain or illustrate the new version of the Periodic Table developed by the European Chemical Society. 


Shine is a collaboration between the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Music Centre. It celebrated the International Year of Light in St Andrews with science, art and music. 

Opera libretto translation

The opera libretto translation project is a collaboration between the Music Centre and the Department of French. This project is about the impact of opera in performance and how that changes when an opera moves beyond its original performance context, i.e. when it is translated. 


The TheoArtistry project brings together theologians and artists seeking new insights into the arts. It celebrates the practice, making, performance, curatorship, and reception of Christian art. It also seeks to inform the scholarly and public perception of the role of the arts in theology and church practice.

TheoArtistry is run in collaboration with the Music Centre and the School of Divinity's Institute for the Theology, Imagination and the Arts

Music in Greek and Roman drama

The Music Centre is a partner of the Centre for the Public Understanding of Greek and Roman Drama. The main goals of the centre are to promote to the general public the beauty and relevance of ancient drama and to foster dialogue and networking between practice and research.