Undergraduate study abroad options
In addition to the integrated year abroad, undergraduate students in the School of Modern Languages can explore the School of Modern Languages study abroad placements and the University's St Andrews abroad scheme.
Combining your studies with time abroad allows you to develop your linguistic skills, intercultural competence, and self-confidence.
St Andrews carefully selects, and has good relations with, our partners overseas who work closely with us to ensure that you will enjoy a successful period abroad placement.
School of Modern Languages study abroad placements
The School offers study abroad placements for students in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Placements are undertaken in the third year and can be for either one semester or a year, during which you study at a partner institution; these studies count towards your degree.
Applications for School Study Abroad placements are competitive and placements cannot be guaranteed, although the School makes every effort to offer placements to all students wanting to study abroad.
If you participate in an undergraduate study abroad programme you will be charged your normal tuition fee for a full academic year, whether you spend a full year abroad or one semester in St Andrews and one semester abroad.
St Andrews abroad
The University offers Study Abroad placements in all subjects taught in the School of Modern Languages (including Comparative Literature and Persian). Placements are undertaken in the third year and can be for either one semester or a year, during which you study at a partner institution; these studies count towards your degree.
Applications for St Andrews Abroad placements are competitive; applicants must demonstrate a strong academic record and meet the minimum grade requirements.
If you participate in an undergraduate study abroad programme you will be charged your normal tuition fee for a full academic year, whether you spend a full year abroad or one semester in St Andrews and one semester abroad.
St Andrews Abroad placements are available in Australia, Canada, Czechia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, and the USA.