Prof Victoria Donovan
Professor of Ukrainian and East European Studies
- Phone
- +44 (0)1334 46 2948
- Office
- Room 43
- Location
- United Colleges
- Office hours
- On leave in Semester 2, 2024-25
Research areas
My current research is on the industrial history and heritage of the Ukrainian East, also known as Donbas, questions of heritage management and manipulation and the role of the industrial past in forming community identities and politics. I teach on several modules that intersect with these research interests, including my honours modules on Soviet and post-Soviet cultural memory politics, and the city in Soviet and post-Soviet cinema, and co-taught modules in the environmental and energy humanities.
I have led several collaborative research projects with partners in Ukraine, including “De-industrialisation and Conflict in Donbas: Capacity building in Ukraine to make Donbas (mono)towns inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable,” (Global Challenges Research Fund, 2018-19) “Un/archiving Post/industry: Engaging Heritage and Developing Cultural Infrastructures,” (Global Challenges Research Fund and House of Europe, 2019-20), and “Donbas in Focus: Visions of Industry from the Ukrainian East” (Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2021-23). I am currently joint PI on the “Ostroh Academy/University of St Andrews Partnership for Advancing the Public Humanities” funded by UUKi.
My research and knowledge transfer work has been recognised with prestigious national prizes and grants, including an Arts and Humanities Leadership Fellowship, British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award, and an AHRC/BBC New Generation Thinker award. In 2023, my work with partners in Ukraine on the “Un/archiving Post/industry” project was awarded a European Heritage Award/EuropaNostra Award for Citizens’ Engagement and Awareness Raising, the EU’s most prestigious award for heritage preservation in Europe.
I am the co-author with Darya Tsymbalyuk of Limits of Collaboration: Art, Ethics and Donbas (Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, 2022), and co-editor with Iryna Sklokina of “Donbas Imaginaries: Heritage, Culture, and Community,” a special collection published with REGION: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 2021. Before I began my research in Ukraine, I worked on Russian cultural nationalism and heritage politics in the historic northwest of the country. My monograph, Chronicles in Stone: Preservation, Patriotism and Identity in the Russian Northwest was published with NIUP imprint at Cornell in 2019. My research also makes contributions to emerging debates in the public, civic and engaged humanities, and my writings in this area have been published with Modern Languages Open and Canadian Slavonic Papers. My next monograph Monotown: Tales of Resistance from the Ukrainian East is forthcoming with Daunt Books Publishing in 2024.
I welcome enquiries from potential PhD students whose work intersects with any of the above research areas.
PhD supervision
- Klaudia Grat
- Kateryna Volochniuk
- Viktoriia Grivina
- Rebecca Mesonjnik
Selected publications
Open access
Foreign powers have long profited from Ukrainian resources – Trump’s minerals grab is no exception
Donovan, V. S., 28 Feb 2025, The Conversation.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Open access
Les minerais ukrainiens, objet d’appétits étrangers depuis bien avant Donald Trump
Donovan, V. S., 5 Mar 2025, The Conversation.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Open access
On decolonial shelters, or what to do with problematic scholarly inheritances?
Donovan, V. S., 30 May 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Forum for Modern Language Studies. 60, 2, 6 p., cqae035.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open access
Against academic “resourcification”: collaboration as delinking from extractivist “area studies” paradigms
Donovan, V. S., 8 Jun 2023, In: Canadian Slavonic Papers. 65, 2, p. 163-173 11 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Donbas: after industry
Kulishov, M. & Donovan, V. S. (Editor), 1 Dec 2023, Kyiv: CEC Arts Link and Open Place. 119 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book
The (sorry) state of the field or why Western humanists need to listen in silence and solidarity
Donovan, V. S., 1 Jan 2023, ASEEES NewsNet, January 2023, p. 11-13 3 p.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Featured article
Open access
A Letter to My Friends in Mariupol
Donovan, V. S., Feb 2022, Kajet Digital.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Open access
A Tribute to the Women of Ukraine
Donovan, V. S. & Vonnak, D., 2022, Blok Magazine.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Open access
Archives at War
Donovan, V. S., 26 Apr 2022, Tribune.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
Archiving the now: decolonial resistance to cultural erasure in Ukraine, 2014-2022
Donovan, V. S., Jun 2022, Reference Point Newspaper.Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article