Dr Keru Cai

Dr Keru Cai

Lecturer in Chinese Studies

Researcher profile

+44 (0)1334 46 3669
Office hours
Wednesday 11-1


Research areas

I specialise in modern Chinese appropriations from Russian, English, and French literatures. My first book project, From Russia, with Squalor: Poverty in Modern Chinese Realism, will show how Chinese intellectuals drew upon Russian literature to write about poverty, in a bid to enrich Chinese culture by creating a syncretic new realism. Other current projects include the transformation of the Russian “superfluous man” into the Chinese “superfluous woman”; Ba Jin's appropriations from Chekhov; Xiao Hong's aesthetics of displacement and defamiliarisation; Bi Gan's adaptation of Soviet science fiction; Sino-British literary relations; and the paradigm of trans-Eurasian studies. I have published articles in journals such as Comparative LiteratureModern Chinese Literature and CulturePrism: Theory and Modern Chinese LiteratureConcentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, and Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, and Reviews.

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