Dr Margaret McCartney

Dr Margaret McCartney

Senior Clinical Lecturer in General Practice

Researcher profile




Dr Margaret McCartney MBChB, MRCGP, PhD, FRSE

Dr McCartney is a practicing general practitoner in addition to her academic role in St Andrews. She is particularly interested in evidence based medicine, conflicts of interest, screening, risk, bias, and public communication about healthcare. She is also an award winning writer and broadcaster, has written three books about evidence in healthcare for the lay public and has been a columnist for the FT and the BMJ. She was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2023 and completed her PhD in 2024.  She is also a Director of Beira's Place, Edinburgh. Her declarations of interest are at whopaysthisdoctor.org. She is always happy to hear from under and postgraduate students who are interested in research in these areas. She was profiled for the University here

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