Business School PGT Special Circumstances guidance

The Business School recognises that our taught postgraduate students can face challenging and sometimes unexpected circumstances when completing their studies. The information provided in this guide outlines the School guidance on absences, extensions and late submission for compulsory module elements. This guidance reflects University rules and regulations.

Who to speak to

Students with circumstances that affect their studies should contact Student Services/Disabilities Team who can offer support with circumstances that require requests for extensions and flexible deadlines. Student Services can be contacted by emailing:

If you would like to speak to a member of School staff about your circumstances and how they are affecting your studies you should contact your Module Coordinators, Programme Director, the Director of Postgraduate Programmes or one of the Student Wellbeing Officers.

Completion of compulsory module elements

Compulsory module elements are outlined in the Module Guide/Course Handbook. It is important that students attend compulsory module elements, such as tutorials or lectures, and submit coursework and assessments on time. In the event that a student misses compulsory elements of the module, they should submit a self-certificate and contact the Module Coordinator as soon as possible.

Academic adjustments and extensions

Possible outcomes from missing a compulsory assessment/failure to submit

There are four possible outcomes depending on the validity of the reason and the completion of other assessments in the module. These are shown in the chart and explained in the text below.

chart showing possible outsomes when a student does not submit a compulsory assessment in Departments of Management and Finance

Arrangements and examples for typical pieces of assessment in the School

Circumstances and evidence

The examples below are taken from the University Extenuating circumstances policy.