Postgraduate research in Management

The Department of Management at the University of St Andrews Business School is one of the UK's leading business and management schools. It has a distinctive and proud identity as a smaller school focused on research and teaching of the highest quality.

The Department is research intensive, and is underpinned by a strong grounding in the social sciences. At postgraduate level, students can benefit from internationally recognised research expertise, as acknowledged in the Research Excellence Framework (REF), while still enjoying the benefits of a small and friendly institution.

The Department of Management offers the following research degrees:

  • PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
    The PhD is studied over three to four years (or six to seven years part-time). Students produce a thesis comprising no more than 80,000 words, excluding the bibliography and appendices.
  • MRes (Masters in Research)
    The MRes programme equips doctoral candidates with core research skills and a wide knowledge of contemporary management theories and practices. There is no direct application to this programme. The Department recommends enrolment to students on an individual basis as a first part of the PhD programme, normally when the doctoral candidate has an undergraduate degree as their highest qualification. See below for an example of the components of the MRes programme. The MRes is recognised by the ESRC's Scottish Graduate School as part of a 1+3 doctoral programme.

Find out more about research in the Department.