Best paper at the Australasian Banking and Finance Conference
Dr Dimitris Chronopoulos and Professor John Wilson at the Centre for Responsible Banking & Finance (CRBF) and the School's Financial Institutions and Markets (FIM) research group, with co-authors Dr Foly Ananou and Professor Amine Tarazi, both from Université de Limoges, LAPE, have been awarded the Bureau van Dijk Moody’s Analytics prize at the 34th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference (AFBC).
The winning paper is entitled 'Liquidity regulation and bank risk'. The research finds that bank default risk declined following the introduction of the Liquidity Balance Rule introduced in the Netherlands, which required banks to hold more liquid assets. These findings suggest that the introduction of liquidity regulation reduces risk and thus improves the safety and soundness of banks.
The AFBC was organised by the Institute of Global Finance and the School of Banking and Finance, UNSW Business School, to bring together the world's foremost leaders of thought from the financial community.