School PhD studentship and scholarships for 2022 entry

17 December 2021

The School of Management is offering a competitive PhD studentship for a research student starting in September 2022. The studentship will comprise a stipend at RCUK level, which (in December 2021) is £15,609 annually, and full tuition fees for three years at UK or Overseas level.

In addition, a number of tuition-only PhD scholarships (Handsels) are available to apply for within the School's PhD programme. These scholarships cover the full tuition fees of any student who is selected.

All candidates applying for the studentship will also be considered for tuition-only scholarships.

The PhD programme invites exceptional graduates to submit a PhD proposal focusing on one of the School's areas of multi-disciplinary expertise. Applicants should contact a potential supervisor before making a formal application.

Entry requirements and further details about the PhD proposal, application procedures and supporting documentation are available on the PhD programme web page.

Download full details: School of Management studentship and scholarships 2022 (PDF) .

Application closing date: Friday 28 January 2022.

Applications are now closed.