The Political Studies Association Academic Prizes

8 April 2020

Dr Lydia Cole, Dr Laura Mills, Dr Natasha Saunders, and Dr Faye Donnelly were awarded the PSA’s Innovations in Teaching Politics (Group) Award for their ongoing work in the "Threads, War, and Conflict" programme that they launched in April 2019 in the School of International Relations at St Andrews.

Please find a statement from the PSA panel below:

"The judges were impressed by the both the innovative approach of this entry and the clear collaborative approach that had been undertaken. By introducing engagement with textiles in the teaching of politic and international relations, the entrants have demonstrated an innovative approach which challenges both established pedagogies and ways of understanding the discipline. Working with partner institutions, the team were also able to create a learning environment that extended beyond that which could otherwise have been achieved. We encourage the team to share their work on this more widely, as it is likely to inspire others to innovate."