Fixed term contracts

Fixed term contracts (FTC) can be used when there is a regular pattern of work and the work is for more than 15 weeks.  This is the most common type of short term contract and is used when:

  • cover is needed for a staff member on leave such as research/family/long term sickness leave or on a career break
  • the work is connected to a project with an end date
  • the work is externally funded with an end date

Approval of fixed term contracts

If the post is to cover family leave (maternity, paternity, parental, adoption), please complete the request for replacement cover form (Word, 510 KB) and email it to your HR Business Partner who will review the form and obtain approval from the HR Director.  Where the cover post requires advertisement, please also provide the Further Particulars. 

They will review the request and pass to the recruitment team for advertising. Depending on the hours to be worked, the type of work and the contract duration, you may wish to consider also advertising the post with Careers.

If the post is to cover research leave (externally funded) for another member of staff, please follow the normal recruitment processes for your type of vacancy (academic, research, teaching) as detailed on the appropriate webpage

If the post is to cover research leave (internally funded) the Head of School should seek the Master's approval and then follow the normal recruitment processes for the post.

If the post is to cover long term sickness or career breaks, please complete the request for replacement cover form (Word, 510 KB) and email it to your HR Business Partner who will review the form and obtain approval from the HR Director.  Where the cover post requires advertisement, please also provide the Further Particulars. 

Short term sickness should be dealt with via an acting up with details sent to your HR Business Partner.

If the post is to cover work on a project with a fixed end date and has been approved by the Business Transformation Board (BTB) or the staffing needs have already been approved by the Workforce Planning Group (WPG), then please send your Advert/Further Particulars to the Recruitment team along with the start and end dates of the work and confirmation of the approval from the appropriate group.

Please note that if the work is internally funded and has not already been approved by the BTB, WPG or the Principal’s Office, you must apply to the WPG for approval. 

If the post is temporary and externally funded, please email the Recruitment team with the following details:

  1. Advert/Further Particulars
  2. Start/end dates
  3. Grant code/cost centre
  4. Name of outgoing employee if this is to replace someone previously undertaking this work

Advertising fixed term contracts

If the post is for up to 6 months and there is someone known to you with the unique skillset required to undertake the duties, you may discuss the post with them and offer it with no need to advertise.  See Appointing to fixed term contracts section regarding next steps. 

However, if there are other members of staff in your School/Unit coming to the end of fixed term contracts and/or other members of staff in your School/Unit who have the same skillset and could undertake the work, you must advertise the post and follow the normal recruitment processes for your type of vacancy (academic, research, teaching, professional services) as detailed on the appropriate webpage.

If the post is for longer than 6 months (or is for 6 months initially but you know that there is the likelihood of extension) you must advertise the post and follow the normal recruitment processes for your type of vacancy (academic, research, teaching, professional services) as detailed on the appropriate webpage. 

When the post is to be advertised, adverts may be hosted on the University’s e-recruitment system, Engage, although you may prefer to run an offline School/Unit only recruitment exercise in some instances.  Please seek advice from the Recruitment team or your HR Business Partner as to whether your vacancy is suitable for an offline process and how to do this. 

Please note that any fixed term contract of up to 2 years may be advertised as a secondment opportunity within your own School/Unit or across the University.  Please consult the secondment policy for details.



Appointing to fixed term contracts

If you have advertised the post, please follow the normal appointment processes for your type of vacancy (academic, research, teaching, professional services) as detailed on the appropriate webpage

If you have not advertised the post, please send the following information to the Support and Advice team:

  1. Name of person to be appointed
  2. CV of person appointed
  3. Job Description
  4. Start and end dates of contract
  5. Cost Centre
  6. Approval (if internally funded)