Inclusive Admissions

Equitable admissions for underrepresented groups

A team from the key identified University areas of Registry, Admissions and E&D attended the ECU and SPA "Supporting professionalism in admissions" workshop in 2012 which identified four recommendations to achieve fair and equitable admissions:

  1. Identify areas where discrimination could potentially occur.
  2. Establish mechanisms to ensure the admissions process is consistent and non-discriminatory.
  3. Provide effective channels of communication to internal and external audiences.
  4. Regularly undertake reviews to assess and advance effectiveness of policy and practice.

Core benefits to equitable admissions policies and practices:

  • Advancing institutional values and mission statements. Actively reviewing, refining, marketing and implementing equitable admissions practice and policies will help to demonstrate that the institution is ethical, open, respectful and responsive to a diverse student body.
  • Equitable admissions processes can increase and maintain student numbers by building a reputation as an institution that is actively working towards providing opportunities and access to a broad range of students.
  • Student satisfaction. A diverse student body brings with it a range of skills and experience which adds to the learning experience and may improve student satisfaction.

Downloadable guidance publications

Attracting and increasing student diversity

As part of the ECU Attracting & Increasing Student Diversity project in 2014 the University created a working group to address diversity in student recruitment and admissions.  

Main success have been to review Admissions procedures; analysis of student data with linkages to gender and race initiatives (Athena SWAN and Race Equality Charter); and the launching of the Online Unconscious Bias Training Module which focuses on student admissions and recruitment.