British Sign Language (BSL) plans

The University of St Andrews published our first BSL Plan in November 2018, laying the ground to increase and promote BSL use on campus.  

Our latest BSL Plan summarises activities, barriers, and lessons from 2018-2024, and sets goals for 2024-2030.

2024 report

University of St Andrews BSL Plan 2024-2030 (PDF, 438 KB)

YouTube: University of St Andrews BSL Plan 2024-30 (BSL version)

2018 report 

BSL-Plan-2018-Final (PDF, 515 KB)

YouTube: University of St Andrews BSL Plan 2018-24 (BSL version)


BSL is a language in its own right, with its own grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and dialects.

University schools and units can embed the following text into contact information where a phone number is stated:

Contact Scotland BSL

Scotland’s British Sign Language Interpreting Video Relay Service (VRS) is a free service, which enables contact with the University, as well as all of Scotland’s public bodies and third sector organisations. Deafblind people whose first language is BSL, can also access the video relay service by signing to the online interpreter using BSL and rather than seeing the signed response, they receive the responses via a braille display attached to the computer with responses being typed by the online interpreter. 

For further information or guidance, please visit the online BSL Video Relay Interpreting Service.