Business Partner

HR Business Partners 
Tel Extension Email

Bronwen Jenkins 

Laura Henderson 4076
Cameron Little 2497
Kathyrn Tait 2565
Louise Milne 2557
Louise Nixon 2350
Mary Shotter 4150
Mairi Stewart 2556
Val Insch 1897


Schools: HR Business Partner
Art History Cameron Little
Biology Louise Milne
Business School Val Insch
Chemistry Bronwen Jenkins
Classics Val Insch
Computer Science Louise Milne
Divinity Cameron Little
Earth and Environmental Sciences Louise Nixon
English Louise Milne
Geography and Sustainable Development Mary Shotter
Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Studies Louise Milne
History Cameron Little
International Relations Laura Henderson
Mathematics and Statistics Cameron Little
Medicine Laura Henderson
Modern Languages Louise Milne
Philosophical, Anthropological & Film Studies Val Insch
Physics and Astronomy Bronwen Jenkins
Psychology and Neuroscience Louise Milne


Units: HR Business Partner
Academic Registry Mary Shotter
Admissions Mary Shotter
Business Transformation Portfolio Office (BTPO) Louise Nixon
Byre Theatre Louise Milne
Careers Centre Laura Henderson
CEED Val Insch
Chaplaincy Cameron Little
Development Kathryn Tait
Corporate Communications Val Insch
Eden Campus Louise Nixon
Education and Student Experience Val Insch
Entrepreneurial (St Andrews) Louise Nixon
Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS) Cameron Little
Estates Val Insch
Finance Laura Henderson
Global Office Louise Nixon
Human Resources Mairi Stewart
International Education Institute (IEI) Mary Shotter
IT Services Val Insch
Museum Collections Bronwen Jenkins
Music Centre Louise Milne
Office of the Principal Mairi Stewart
OSDS Val Insch
Planning Louise Nixon
Procurement Laura Henderson
Residential and Business Services Cameron Little
Research Innovation Services (RIS) Louise Nixon
Saints Sport Laura Henderson
Student Services Laura Henderson
University Library Bronwen Jenkins