Text source
Frances Drummond was an English woman abandoned by her husband, Captain Thomas Drummond [SSNE 2418]. She composed a letter in English asking mercy from a woman in Sweden and accusing her husband of calling her a whore. Thomas had left for Swedish service c.1636, so this letter might be tentatively dated to c.1640. The letter details a journey from England to Scotland looking for her husband and support from 'The Lord General' possibly Alexander Leslie [SSNE 1] who held that rank in Scotland by 1639. It may be addressed to Lady Axelsson (to be established, but possibly Elsa Oxenstierna who married Åke Axelsson).
Source: Riksarkivets Personhistoria ämnessamlingar. https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/A0069580_00175#?c=&m=&s=&cv=174&xywh=2701%2C2341%2C3703%2C2136
Female, abandoned
Service record
- Arrived 1640-01-01
- Departed 0000-01-01
- Purpose MISC