First name

Text source

Harry Ruthven was in Buxtehude in January 1636. The capacity is not certain, but he was probably a soldier. He is mentioned in as a witness to a bond signed by Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Ruthven.

NAS RD1/508 fol. 249 Ruthven, Lt Col Pat in Sweden, ob to Lt Col Robert Stewart for 112 Rix dollars reg 8th November 1637. Also registered the same day (?) Capt Patrick Lumsden ob to Colonel Robert Stewart. "I Patrik Ruthven Liutenant Colonel under the Croune of Sweadin grantis me to haif borrowit and ressavit fra Lieutenant Col[one]ll Robert Stewart serving under the Croune of Sweadine the number of ane hundreth and twelve rex dolleris gude and sufficient money be the delyverie of Jon Finlasone Capitane Lieutenant qrof I grant…&etc." Ruthven pledges to repay this to Stewart by the 11th day of November nextcoming, qlk failing to pay to Stewart 10% interest p.a. Dated at Buxtehude, [blank ] of Januar 1636. Befoir thir witness[es], sic subscribitur Ruthven, Harie Ruthven witnes, Geo Dunbar witnes. We thank Dr Aonghas Maccoinnich for this reference.

Service record

Capacity OFFICER?, purpose MILITARY?