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Patrick Ruthven (Patricius, Petter, Pether Reffuen, Reffuenn, Ruthuen, Reuen, Reuenn) from Perthshire who is stated to have died in Bergen as a citizen there around 1567. An Agnes Symson is stated to have given birth to 2 children out of wedlock, probably in Perth, where the father was a clergyman James Ruthven; the older brother Walther Ruthven, and the younger brother Patrick Ruthven mentioned above. Reference for this is given to a document dated Perth 06 Decmber 1569, where the town scribe Henry Elder states that this Patrick Ruthven had left Perth 12 years earlier to serve for Denmark, and had died in Bergen 2 years earlier, as a citizen of Bergen. Further reference is given to a document dated 22 June 1593 where King James of Scotland in his palace stateD that all properties and goods from the above previously in Bergen deceased Patrick Ruthven should be given to Robert Guthrie in Bergen, and his heirs. This was objected to by Tommes Tommesen citizen in Bergen, who stated that the same goods and properties had been purchased 27 years earlier in Perth by Anna Calender, his wife's mother. The seller was John Walterson Ruthven, son of Walther Ruthven and Agnes Quitt. Tommes Tommesen presented documents confirming this sale, dated Perth 16 May 1567. Patrick Ruthven is stated to have been without heirs, but in an other place stated to have been married to Marine Lagome, who survived him.Thanks to Petter Vennemoe for providing this entry.
Service record