Text source
Captain Wroughton served as a captain for a company in Sir Jacob Astley [SSNE 3842] regiment in the army of the James Marquis of Hamilton [SSNE 1348] which was destined for Swedish service in June 1630. He was permitted to recruit for his company in Gloucester, Wiltshire, Oxford and Stafford
Acts of the Privy Council of England, vol.46, 1630-1631, edited by P. A. Penfold (London: HMSO, 1964), p.378, 8 June 1631.
Gloucester Borough Records, GBR/H/2/2 Order and letter book, pp. 167-170 1631, 6,000 volunteers to be raised by Marquis of Hamilton for service with the king of Sweden; company of 150 volunteers to be raised in Glos.; Captain Wroughton of Sir Jacob Astley's regiment to raise volunteers in Glos. List of soldiers 'entertained' by Capt. Wroughton including some from Gloucester.
With thanks to Simon Marsh for bringing this record to our attention.
Service record
- Arrived 1631-06-08, as CAPTAIN
- Departed 0000-01-01
- Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY