Text source
Blasius Dundee junior was the son of the Scottish merchant in Stockholm, Blasius Dundee [SSNE 768]. It was presumably he who was baptised at St Nikolai church in Stockholm on 6 January 1611. It was noted that his godparent was Klas Kristoffersson. Little else is known of Dundee junior's life, only that in 1635 he got involved in correspondence with Simon Simonson who had bought his father's house. It is believed that the younger Dundee returned to Scotland and the author of his father's biography in Personhistorisk Tidskrift could find no trace of him in any of the Stockholm church or legal records he consulted for his article.
Sources: Swedish Riksarkiv, Biographica Microcard, E01354 4/7 REFERENCES TO THE DECENDANTS OF BLASIUS DUNDEE; F.U.W., 'Blasius Dundie' in Person Historisk Tidskrift, vol. 3, 1901, pp.41-52; Stockholm Stadsarkiv, St Nikolai kyrkas dopbok fran och med 1611 till och med 1622, p.3.
Service record
- Departed 1635-12-31
- Capacity UNKNOWN, purpose MISC.