First name

Text source

Peter (Patrick) Ruthven served in the Swedish army as a reformed ensign with the Scottish infantry in 1629. With the same rank he served in Alexander Leslie's [SSNE 1] regiment in 1630 and later had his appointment confirmed. The following year he transferred to his relative, John Ruthven's [SSNE 191] recruited regiment where he became a captain in 1632. This is probably the same Captain Peter Ruthven who was joint commander, along with Captain James Leyell [SSNE 516] of the Swedish garrison at Oppenheim in May 1632. That month Chancellor Axel Oxenstierna sent the two captains instructions regarding the quartering of the garrison.

Peter appears to have been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and borrowed money from Lieutenant Colonel Robert Stewart in November 1637



Axel Oxenstierna to captains Ruthven and Leyell. Mainz, 2 May 1632 [RAOSB VII]

“Insonders geliebter Herr Capitän. Hiemit thue ich demselben ordre überschicken, nach welcher die guarnison zu Oppenheim underhalten werden soll, so wohl alls bey hiesig gantze armée bereihts ein geraume zeyt beschicht; dess versehens Ihr und andere bey eüch habende officers auch darbey verpleiben, keinen burger oder underthonen darüber treiben, sondern alle quartier nach billicher proportion zugleich ausstheylen, die anwehsendte officirs und soldaten darein accommodiren, und solche zu andern nebenexactionibus vorzubehalten im geringsten gestatten, sondern es also anstellen werdet, damit das quarter zur nohturft noch lange zeyt dauren möge. Inmassen solchs alles der Königl. M:st unsers allergendegsten hernn etc. ernster ordonnantz gehehss ist. Göttlicher bewahrung damit empfohlen. Datum Meyntz den 2 maii 1632.”

A Major Ruthven was noted by Monro as being slain at Nordlingen in 1634 and may be an error by Monro or a different, as yet unidentified Major Ruthven.

R. Monro, His Expedition with the worthy Scots regiment called Mackeyes (2 vols., London, 1632), II, List of the Scottish Officers in Chief; Swedish Krigsarkiv, Muster Roll, 1629/22,23; 1630/34,35,38; 1631/24; 1632/31; Rikskansleren Axel Oxenstiernas skrifter och brefvexling, first series, VII, pp.275-6.

See also National Records of Scotland, RD1/508 fol. 249 Ruthven: Lt Col Patrick Ruthven in Sweden, obligation to Lt Col Robert Stewart for 112 Rix dollars reg 8th November 1637. Also registered the same day (?) Capt Pat Lumsden obligation to Colonel Robert Stewart.

"I Patrik Ruthven Liutenant Colonel under the Croune of Sweadin grantis me to haif borrowit and ressavit fra Lieutenant Col[one]ll Robert Stewart serving under the Croune of Sweadine the number of ane hundreth and twelve rex dolleris gude and sufficient money be the delyverie of Jon Finlasone Capitane Lieutenant qrof I grant…&etc."

Ruthven had pleged to repay this to Stewart by the 11th day of November "nextcoming, qlk failing to pay to Stewart 10% interest p.a. Dated at Buxtehude, [blank] of Januar 1636. Befoir thir witness[es], sic subscribitur Ruthven, Harie Ruthven witnes, Geo Dunbar witnes.

We thank Dr Aonghas Maccoinnich for this last reference from NRS.

Service record

Departed 1630-12-31, as REF. ENSIGN
Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY
Departed 1632-12-31, as CAPTAIN
Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY
Departed 1632-05-30, as COMMANDER
Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY
Capacity OFFICER, purpose MILITARY