Text source
Anna Skytte was a daughter of Johan Skytte [SSNE 4754] and Maria Neave [SSNE 6272]. She was born on 23 March 1610. In 1630 she married Admiral and Baron Göran Gyllenstierna of Lundholm (1601-1646) in Dorpat. Her mother's will dated Stockholm 16 May 1647 passed on a share of her mother's house at Södraporten to Anna. Not too long after that Anna developed an illness as a document dated Stockholm 9 October 1649 notes her gratitude to Mrs Rangrell who had tended her so well during her recent spate of ill health. She paid Rangrell 30 daler copper coins, but was not well enough to sign her own name on the document and asked her daughter Anna Bielkenstjärna to sign for her. Anna obviously lived in the upper social strata as on 30 December 1652 she received an invitation to Jacob de la Gardie's wedding from Queen Kristina. Anna died on 18 May 1679. She was buried at Ryddarholms church in Stockholm.
Sources: Swedish Krigsarkiv, Svenska Sjöofficerare vol. ii, Biografiska anteckningar om officerare anställda vid örlogsflottan åren 1600-1699, unpublished typescript. Section 'Namnregister över kvinnor', p.28
Swedish Riksarkiv, Depositio Skytteana A:5, E 5412. Maria Neave, 16 May 1647; G. Elgenstierna, Svenska Adelns Ättartavlor, VII, p.319. Female.
Service record
- Arrived 1647-01-01
- Departed 1652-12-30
- Capacity MISC, purpose MISC