Research areas

Historians at St Andrews study all periods from late antiquity, through mediaeval and early modern, to late modernity.

Together, the School's academics investigate the histories of religion, politics, law, commerce, science and the environment.  The School's researchers are interested in the formal institutions that shape human life in these spheres, and in the practices and experiences of people working and living within their influence. Researchers explore transnational and cross-cultural encounters, and the ways that knowledge, people, goods and beliefs move through time and place.

Explore the areas our researchers investigate by time, place or theme.

Research areas in the School of History

The medieval world, the early modern world, the late modern world.

Scotland and Britain, Europe, North America and North Africa, Middle East, India and south east Asia

Religion and belief; politics, power and war; intellectual, legal and constitutional history; transnational history; books, media and publishing; science, technology, medicine, environment